28 January 2011
nilah best fwenz sy 4 ever n ever
my new class
hello everyone.hows your day?
everyone must be happy if they got a new class
...but i'm not~ u must be want to know why i dislike my new class?this is because
....sy n classmates sy yg lain tlh d'tmptkan d'kls yg buruk,kotor n teruk sgt2
....our class is like a store..wekk~i hate my class
...it makes me feel sleepy everytime our teacher is teaching
..sy harap,bngunan bru tuh akn siap scepat yg mungkin
azam baru
thn bru dah nk hbis dh...sy rse sy sowang je yg msih blum ader azam bru...huhu....eottokae??...
nth pape jer...kalau nk kate azm bru sy stop plying games..
..hmmm...i don't think so..pg td sy bru jer main game~...stop thinking about chinen??aaa..anio..it's impossible...i can't~wutever jelah
....azm bru sy thn nih...get 9A in "
PMR"!that's all from me
yeay!blog sy dh kmbli ke asalnyer
..hohho...tq 2 my bestie,srh....
ntah ape la sy tkn smpai blog sy ruin terukk~after this,sy akn jaga blog sy elok2~~that's all..bye2!
27 January 2011
gong xi fa cai?
gong xi fa cai 2 my geo teacher
..miss theh ee keen
..n other chinese teacher in my school~looks like holiday comes again
...but i hate holiday!!!because,everytime we had holiday,there must be a lot of homework
!!huhuhuuhu~~so sad..
01 January 2011
fx victoria song
she is soo cute!!